Imagine rating your smartphone experience as a solid 7 out of 10. Now, picture the Hable One elevating that experience to an incredible 11 out of 10.
The Hable One, a portable braille keyboard, is crafted to simplify your life by empowering you with full control over your phone, and guess what? You don't even need to know Braille to benefit from it!
Curious about how the Hable One can transform your smartphone use? Let's dive into 5 key ways the Hable One can enhance smartphone accessibility and usability for individuals who are visually impaired or blind.
1 Touchscreen Interaction
Gone are the days when a phone’s screen was only for the purpose of displaying visual output. With the coming of smartphones, screens have become an integral part of interacting with your phone and navigating it. However, this is not as easy as it sounds for people with sight deficiencies.
- Without the Hable One: Current smartphone interactions for blind and visually impaired people rely on different forms of tactile and auditory feedback. Such users often have to hold their phone close to their ear to keep track of the vibrations or voice feedback while simultaneously navigating it through the touchscreen. It is apparent how this can be an infeasible and uncomfortable experience for vision-impaired users who wish to use their devices in different situations of their daily life.
- With the Hable One: The Hable One doesn’t require users to interact with their phone’s screen at all! You can slip your phone into your pocket or bag and continue to use it confidently. The device pairs with your phone via Bluetooth low energy (BLE), so you don’t need to worry about getting tangled in wires. Moreover, you can use earphones or a wireless headset to be able to hear auditory feedback directly from your phone. With the Hable One, you are in complete control of your phone at all times.

2 Typing experience
Most of our smartphone usage involves typing – whether it is sending a quick text, writing long emails, or even typing to perform a simple web search. However, some relationships are just not meant to be, and this might very well be the case with you and your virtual qwerty keyboard on your smartphone.
- Without the Hable One: Regardless of whether you are an Android or iOS user, virtual qwerty keyboards can be quite slow and inefficient. These keyboards are compact in size, and due to the constraints in space, keys are often placed close together, leading to typing errors and a dependency on autocorrect software. Apart from this, BrailleBack is difficult to learn, and text editing can be difficult and time-consuming. However, it isn't time to boycott typing on your smartphone just yet. It is best to use your phone when you need to send short messages that don't require heavy editing or text where you don't mind a few typos here and there.
- With the Hable One: With the Hable One, you are able to type all letters, numbers, and punctuations with just 6 keys resembling the Braille dots. The keys are easy to locate and are raised in order to allow tactility. This provides you with a faster, safer, more intuitive, and private texting experience. The Hable One allows you to type on the go without having to set up your device on a table or any other platform. It is also easier to edit text on the Hable One as users are able to use shortcuts for a smooth editing experience. Are you not familiar with Braille? No problem! Many, many users have gone before you and learned to type on the Hable One without any Braille knowledge. Generally within a few days, most people are able to type faster on the Hable One than they did on the smartphone.

3 Using Screen Readers (Apple VoiceOver / Google TalkBack)
Accessibility tools and services like Apple VoiceOver and Google TalkBack help people with vision impairment in using and interacting with their devices.
These screen-reading software use spoken descriptions, vibrations, and other audible feedback to make users aware of what is on their screen and how to navigate various elements on a page.
Screen readers provide accessibility and allow people with visual deficiencies to use their phones seamlessly. Both of these are standard accessibility software services on all smartphones (VoiceOver is integrated into all iOS devices, whereas TalkBack is available on Android devices).
- Without the Hable One: Visually impaired users have to memorise numerous combinations and gestures in order to interact with their touchscreen phones. These gestures can often be hard to remember and even harder to perform over the small screen of a phone. These gestures differ for VoiceOver and TalkBack.
- With the Hable One: The Hable One has two additional function keys that are for the purpose of accessing VoiceOver and TalkBack. Using VoiceOver functions over the Hable One is faster because of the similarity of the interactions. This makes gestures easier to remember, and mistakes are easily rectifiable. The Hable One also allows users to use various shortcuts like long pressing ‘h’ to navigate to the home screen and long pressing button to switch to your recent apps. The keyboard also doesn't require gestures that involve cramming 5 fingers within a small screen. The keyboard comes with a comprehensive start guide for both Android and iOS users to get you set up and typing away in no time!
4 Navigation
In addition to typing, navigation is a core part of using a smartphone. This is easy for sighted users as it involves a simple swipe or a scrolling motion. However, for users with vision loss, navigating phones can be quite a challenge. While screen readers are an answer to the problem, operating them requires practice and effort.
- Without the Hable One: While VoiceOver/TalkBack functions on smartphones can be really helpful, the gestures on VoiceOver can be really hard to learn. Might we remind you of the two-finger scrub on VoiceOver (moving two fingers back and forth three times quickly, making a ‘z’) to dismiss an alert or return to the previous page, the 3-finger triple tap on TalkBack to paste text or any other such gestures that require you to use/bend your fingers in unnatural ways? Moreover, operating the rotor functions for VoiceOver can be challenging as they are not very intuitive.
- With the Hable One: The two function keys, while providing access to your phone’s screen reader also help in navigating your smartphone. With the combination of all the 8 keys, you can easily switch between apps, copy and paste text, or scroll through your Facebook feed. The two function buttons allow you to navigate your phone using VoiceOver or Talkback software, depending on the device you are using.
5 Convenience
Convenience is probably one of the most important factors while using any device, whether it’s a laptop, tablet, or phone. If you are constantly on the move, you hardly want a device that is too heavy to carry. The ease of use goes a long way in determining the overall user experience provided by the device.
- Without the Hable One: Smartphones have been a game-changer in making mobility and connectivity possible simultaneously. One can perform a multitude of functions — typing, browsing the web, listening to music, watching video — on a phone without the need for any external device. Most things are now accessible with the simple touch of a screen. This makes it one of the most portable technologies and hints at the reason why more than 3.6 billion people in the world are smartphone users.
- With the Hable One: Carrying an extra device, additional to your phone, might not be everyone's cup of tea. However, it might be something worth considering, especially because of the peace of mind and control that a device like the Hable One affords you. Many people with blindness or visual impairment are often vulnerable to their phones getting stolen while using them in a public place. The Hable One prevents that from happening by providing you complete control of your phone even when it is in your pocket or even your bag. Users can enjoy the use of their smartphones regardless of where they are.

In conclusion, the Hable One represents a significant step forward in making smartphone use more accessible, efficient, and enjoyable for people with visual impairments.
By addressing the challenges of touchscreen interaction, typing, using screen readers, navigation, and overall convenience, the Hable One provides a comprehensive solution that empowers users to navigate their digital world with confidence and ease.
Say goodbye to the frustrations of navigating touchscreens, slow typing, and complex gestures. Whether you're new to Braille or seeking a more intuitive way to use your phone, the Hable One is designed for you.
Don't let visual impairments limit your digital interactions any longer. Join the community of satisfied users who've already transformed their smartphone use.
Order your Hable One today and step into a world where your phone truly understands you and if you have further questions, you can always contact us at