Collection: Partner with us

Become a Partner with Hable! Join over 30 investors and resellers who are already making a significant impact and changing more than 3000 lives around the world!

Blind student and a special teacher with the Hable One

Why Partner with Hable?

Partnering with Hable One offers a unique opportunity to support a growing community of blind and visually impaired individuals through innovative assistive devices.

Our Braille keyboard enhances accessibility and independence, transforming daily interactions into seamless experiences. By aligning with us, you become part of a movement dedicated to breaking down barriers and expanding possibilities for millions.

  • Freek and investors from Philips

    Partner as an Investor

    Invest in Hable to capitalize on the growth potential of the assistive technology market. Make a meaningful social impact and lead in innovation that transforms lives. Benefit from strategic partnerships and gain early access to pioneering solutions. Join us and turn potential into impact.

  • Freek holding some shipping boxes to send to our resellers

    Partner as a Reseller

    Expand your market by reselling Hable's innovative products. Differentiate your offerings and transform lives with cutting-edge accessibility technology. Benefit from competitive advantages, comprehensive support, and attractive financial incentives. Contact us below to get started!

Some Partners

  • Philips logo innovation award
  • ASML Logo young makers award
  • National Industries For The Blind Logo and United States flag
  • Vision Australia Logo and Australia flag

Let’s make a difference together!

Please fill out the form below to tell us about your interest. We’re excited to explore this opportunity with you!

Contact Us Now!