Typing on the phone with the Hable One

Receiving the Hable as a donation (Donation Waitlist)


At Hable, we have received an overwhelming response from countless users who have expressed their desire to obtain the Hable One device for free or at a reduced price. We are thrilled to learn that our product has made such a positive impact on their lives.

However, we understand that many people may not be able to afford it at the current price point.

As a rapidly growing company, we are committed to making our products accessible to as many people as possible. We remain dedicated to exploring all avenues to make our product more accessible to those who need it most.

In line with this dedication, we are exploring a new solution - one that allows users to receive the Hable One for free in the form of a donation. We recognize that this requires a great deal of trust and transparency, which is why we ask for your details - your name, age, country of residence, and employment status - as well as a letter of motivation from you.

We know that the value of the Hable One in your life is immeasurable, but we understand that potential donors may need to hear from you directly. We urge you to share with us why you believe that the Hable One should be paid for or offered at a lower cost.

It's important to keep in mind that this is a new initiative that we're working on. We don't have donors lined up just yet, and it may take some time before we're able to secure funding.

Our focus at the moment is to collect testimonials and motivations from users like you to make a compelling case to potential donors. We ask for your patience throughout this process, as it may take months before you see results from submitting your application for a donation. But we encourage you to try - you never know what can happen if you take that first step.

At Hable One, we believe that everyone deserves to have access to the tools that can help them thrive. Please send in your details and letter of motivation to support@iamhable.com, and let's work together to make the Hable One a reality for you.

Purchasing Hable One Bluetooth Braille Keyboard in the US

The Power of Hable One: Donate or Gift It to Make a Difference

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